Friday, June 19, 2009


Bauer Vintage German 1930's Bicycle

1960's Plywood String Pendant Lamp

Cast Iron Halloween Owl Lantern (early 20th Century)

Glashutte 1930's German Bakelite Clock

Eames Pink Vinyl Armshell Lounge Chair (!)

French Art Nouveau Mahogany Lamp Table

1930's GE Cage Fan

1930's GE Sconce or Table Lamp

Streamline Giordani Baby Stroller

1940's French Steel Cafe Chairs

1950's Wire Horse Sculpture

Tapio Wirkkala Birch Fincraft Tray

Warren MacArthur Floor Lamp

Vintage Smith Corona Typewriter

I found this site while doing my web trolling. Can you believe these amazing vintage pieces?!

"Modern 50 is a part of a small collective of
artists which strives to create an ever-evolving
nonlinear consumer lifestyles collection.
Discovering intrinsically valuable decorative arts
and furnishings to convey a different
impression of 20th century design. " -- Dino (Modern 50)

Incredibly, they're located in Virginia! Lucky me.

1 comment:

  1. i found a similar cast iron owl at a tag sale, what is the height? who made it? what is the value? bob e


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