Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I know there are a gazillion jeans companies out there, and I confess I haven't even tried on the latest and greatest, but my heart (and my ass) belongs to Levi's.

I'm sad that I can't fit into my favorite pair of 501's.  They are perfectly broken in, perfectly soft and faded, the perfect length (a tad ragged on the bottom of the leg) but haven't seen the light of day in about 3 years.  

Mourning aside, Levi's has an awesome new 'Fit Guide' on their website.

I took the quiz and they told me my fit is:  Demi Curve.

Now, the question is Boot, Skinny Boot, Straight, or Skinny?!

Or maybe I'll just keep plugging along trying to loose this weight and fit into my 501's.

What's your jeans story?

photos:  levi's website


  1. Oh Yes! I still have a pair of levi's that I wear around on the weekends. Completely broken in, ripped knee, faded, and soooooo comfortable!

  2. I have about 7 pairs of old button-fly 501's that I have packed away and hope to fit into again one day. LOVE them. I bought them all at a used jean store back in L.A. for $10. But I must admit, even though I never got on the expensive jean bandwagon, my girlfriend gave me a bunch lately and they are amazing! Soft, comfy and fit really great.

  3. I havent bought Levis in quite some time... but i really like this, will try it :))))))

  4. hello jen! welcome; thanks for stopping by!!

  5. I have a pair of 501 jeans like that. They mock me. I swear I'll get even with them someday. Meanwhile, I settle for LL Bean boot-cut jeans. They're the best fit for women with hips. - Jean

  6. Levis jeans is a must in the closet, how about some from Edwin? My second love.


I love to hear your thoughts!


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