Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's My Day Off and I'm Hot and Lazy

So I've been playing around on pages and came up with this little scenario for a small entryway.
I have someone's house in mind, but they don't know that!  :)

I forgot to mention the geode!  that's my favorite!

The scale is off, but whatevs.

That's all for now.

Oh, one more thing, can someone please explain why Kathryn Ireland is constantly talking about her boobs???


  1. OOOH that's VERY pretty! Love the turquoise pop. Be nice to Katherine and her boobs. She's most likely surrounded by fake boobs and has a complex. We should start a "I Heart Katherine's Boobs AND her Designs" page on FB.

  2. Looks great! I´m sure the ones you have in mind will be very happy with this!!!

  3. Love It! I am working on my small entry the idea of the lucite console.


I love to hear your thoughts!


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