Wednesday, March 25, 2009

help, please

I'm having my first ever trunk show at Pillow Mint.  
I'm showing Serena & Lily's newest and best - and offering their crib bedding at the shop for the first time.  
The show is from 10 a.m. till Noon.
What should I serve for goodies?  Champagne?  mini-cupcakes? (I was thinking carrot cupcakes or lemon?)
I don't want to go all out crazy with the food, but I do need to have something to serve....
Any and all advice is welcome!  


  1. Ooo... sounds like fun! If you serve champagne it should be mimosa's so its more of a morning drink! Carrot and lemon cupcake sounds delicious too!

  2. Damn! That sounds like a lot of fun, I wish I was in the vicinity.

    I used to own two stores (interiors and clothing) and always served white wine, one savory nibble, one sweet nibble, and a bowl of jelly beans. Invariably, I had to refill the jelly beans at least once.

    Best of luck with your event!

  3. Thanks! Here is the final menu:
    Sparkling water
    salmon on buttered-toast squares
    and jelly beans!


I love to hear your thoughts!


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