DWELL Brooklyn Home-Tour @ BKLYN DESIGNS
Get an inside look at modern residences in Brooklyn. Produced with BKLYN DESIGNS and curated by Dwell Magazine, this self-guided tour will feature five distinctive homes selected to inspire design professionals and enthusiasts alike. You’ll meet the design teams and Dwell staffers and explore inspired architectural and interior design solutions.
The ticket price includes Home-Tour admission, a pass to BKLYN DESIGNS and an invitation to the Launch Party at GALAPAGOS.
Limited Tickets - BUY NOW!
After ticket purchase, please print and bring receipt to St. Anne’s box office (38 Water Street) to collect your Home Tour map on
Friday, May 8th or on Saturday, May 9th.
Check out the schedule of events and see who will be exhibiting HERE.
wow. that is some amazing wallpaper. do you think the first one is lickable, like willy wonka's?